Congratulations to our new state-authorised public accountant

Mazars congratulates our colleague Monica Häckert Raavig, who after a long period of education, now proudly can call herself a state-authorised public accountant.

The education for a state-authorized public accountant is described as one of Denmark's longest and most demanding, where the oral examination is a final test of the professionalism and maturity the title requires as a state-authorized public accountant, and many years of study and years of hard practical and theoretical work go hand in hand.

Monica eksamen_redigeret

Monica is responsible for CSR, diversity and sustainability at Mazars in Denmark. With the new title follows a new role and more responsibility. It also opens the door for more exciting possibilities. Common to them is that they can greatly contribute to the success of our customers in the future, and we are therefore proud that Monica is a part of Mazars’ team in Denmark.